7-16 May 2019

Mission Japan
2019 Spring Trip


Travel Itinerary:

May 7-9 (Tue-Thu): Flight to Japan via Hong Kong. Stay at Grand Hotel Kanachu.

May 10 (Fri): Travel to Fujisawa to fellowship with HiBA meeting. Stay at Grand Hotel Kanachu.

May 11 (Sat): Sightsee at Hakone, a town popular due to its many hot springs and views of Mount Fuji. Stay at Grand Hotel Kanachu.

May 12 (Sun): Attend Sunday morning service at Hiratsuka Evangelical Church, and evening service at Shonan Grace Chapel. Stay at Grand Hotel Kanachu.

May 13 (Mon): Sightsee at Enoshima Island. Stay at Grand Hotel Kanachu.

May 14 (Tue): Sightsee in Yokohama and attend the HiBA Shibuya Group. Stay at Grand Hotel Kanachu.

May 15 (Wed): Flight back to America via Hong Kong.


Check Out

The Highlights Video